Healing Neen - Tonier Cain

Healing Neen

Book Details

Healing Neen: One Woman’s Path to Salvation from Trauma and Addiction

ISBN-13: 9780757317965

ISBN-10: 0757317960

Author: Cain, Tonier

Binding: Paperback

Publisher: Health Communications Inc

Published: 2014

Publisher's Synopsis

It is almost unfathomable to believe that just nine years ago Neen was in prison a place as familiar to her as the streets she lived on. In just 15 years, she had been arrested 83 times with 66 convictions. Neen had and lost four children, she was a crack addict, a prostitute, and desperately lost. But as long as she had breath, she would still have hope. One day, after 19 years hustling on the streets of Annapolis, Neen’s crumb of hope turned into a seed of trust. Healing Neen isn’t just another story about victims and survivors or recovery and redemption; ultimately, it is a story of Good News and a testament to God’s grace and presence. It is the story of a woman’s path to salvation and a propitious glimpse into the potential buried deep within some of society’s most vulnerable people. But this story isn’t just about Neen; it’s about the value of human life, the depth of suffering, and the heights of grace. It is a convincing cri de coeur for better practices in the way we treat and counsel those caught in the cycles of trauma, addiction, and serial incarceration. Neen brings us face-to-face with the ubiquitous corruption, neglect, and abuse in some of the systems meant to safeguard at-risk women and children, yet she leaves us with hope that things can change for the better.

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