Freedom From Our Addictions - Russell Brand

Book cover for Freedom From Our Addictions by Russell Brand ​

Book Details

Freedom From Our Addictions

ISBN-13: 9781250182456

Author: Russell Brand

Publisher: Bluebird

Published: 2017

Publisher's Synopsis

This is the age of addiction, a condition so epidemic, so all encompassing and ubiquitous that unless you are fortunate enough to be an extreme case, you probably don’t know that you have it.

What unhealthy habits and attachments are holding your life together? Are you unconsciously dependent on food? Bad relationships? A job that doesn’t fulfill you? Numb, constant perusal of your phone, looking for what?

My qualification for writing this book is not that I am better than you, it’s that I am worse. I am an addict, addicted to drugs, alcohol, sex, money, love and fame.’

The program in Recovery has given Russell Brand freedom from all addictions and it will do the same for you.

This system offers nothing less than liberation from self-centredness, a new perspective, freedom from the illusion of suffering for anyone who is willing to take the necessary steps.

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