Quit Drinking - Rebecca Dalton

Book Details
Quit Drinking: understanding Alcoholism, Removing the Addiction from your Life and Believing in your Future Sober Self
ISBN-13: 9781913871475
ISBN-10: 1913871479
Authors: Rebecca Dolton
Published: 2020
Publisher's Synopsis
You’re hungover, thinking about the questionable things you did or said the night before, hesitant to check the messages on your phone. You’re filled with feelings of regret and embarrassment because no matter how hard you try, you seem to keep making the same mistakes.
The next time you feel that you are not in control, please remember there are 66.7 million other people going through the same types of struggles you are (HHS, 2016).
You are not alone, alcohol abuse is a real issue, and it can’t go unchecked. Some can overcome it, while others often fail to recover.
The method for approaching and achieving wellness proposed by this book combines ground-breaking psychotherapeutic approaches with ancient alchemical teachings in a practical guide to understand and overcome alcohol dependency.
Scroll Down Now and discover more about what Quit Drinking will help you achieve.
Through awareness, acceptance, and the commitment to create the positive changes in your life that you so passionately desire, your drinking problems will naturally disappear.
Recognize the mistakes you have made up until now and show that you want to change through your actions. You are NOT your mistakes. You ARE much more than that time you got drunk and cheated on your partner. You aren’t inherently bad, you CAN change.
It’s time to reach your true potential. ‘Add To Cart’ Now and begin your journey now to a meaningful life.
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