I'm Never Drinking Again - Dominic McGregor

I'm never drinking again by Dominic McGregor

Book Details

I’m Never Drinking Again: How to Stop Drinking So Much and Change Your Relationship with Alcohol

ISBN-13: 9781394232802

ISBN-10: 1394232802

Author: McGregor, Dominic

Edition: 1

Binding: Paperback

Publisher: Capstone

Published: 2024

Publisher's Synopsis

In I’m Never Drinking Again: How to stop drinking so much and change your relationship with alcohol, successful entrepreneur, investor, and mental health advocate Dominic McGregor, now seven years sober, explains how changing your relationship with alcohol can transform every aspect of your life. In the book, you’ll explore the role alcohol plays in our society and how dangerous it can be when mixed with poor emotional wellbeing and challenges in life. You’ll also discover the advantages of questioning your relationship with alcohol, whether sobriety or moderating alcohol can lead to success, and how, if unmanaged, alcohol can take over your life.

The author explains:

  • How to manage mental health problems, addictions to alcohol and other drugs, burnout, and other harmful phenomena associated with success
  • How exploring a “sober-curious” lifestyle can aid success
  • How your life can be positively impacted by questioning your relationship with alcohol

I’m Never Drinking Again
 will prove invaluable for anyone who is “sober-curious” and wishes to understand the affect alcohol may play in their lives. Whether you are battling addiction, questioning your relationship with alcohol, or just intrigued by the prospect of challenging yourself to go alcohol free, I’m Never Drinking Again will empower you to strive for a better lifestyle.

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