Mrs D is Going Within - Lotta Dann

Book cover for Mrs D is Going Within by Lotta Dann

Book Details

Mrs D is Going Within: How a frantic, sugar-binging, internet-loving, recovering alcoholic housewife found her Zen

ISBN-13: 9781877505867

ISBN-10: 1877505862

Author: Dann, Lotta

Edition: Main

Binding: Paperback

Publisher: A&U New Zealand

Published: 2018

Publisher's Synopsis

Despite outward appearances three years after getting sober Lotta is struggling to deal with life in the raw. It’s becoming abundantly clear what people mean when they say putting down the drink is just the beginning.

Truth is Lotta’s lifelong heavy-drinking habit has left her as a fledgling emotionally. She’s slowly accepting that she needs to do some more work on herself. But what? Please don’t say it has to involve turning into a hippy. Can’t she just comfort herself with another chocolate muffin, distract herself on Instagram, and hope for the best? It would appear not.

In Mrs D Is Going Within Lotta outlines the practices she developed and strategies she worked on to start establishing herself as an emotionally robust woman

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